Melodia Anya – Beautiful world rezonează cel mai bine cu trăirile mele exceptând faptul ca ființa minunata cu ochii albaștrii ca oceanul de care sunt atât de îndrăgostita e doar o creație a mintii mele.
Clipul de mai jos conține niște desene, picturi si creații digitale reprezentând acea lume minunata, acel univers ce strălucește, acel ideal de iubire la care visez. Creațiile se potrivesc foarte bine cu piesa Beautiful world pentru ca din anul 2000 eu visez la acest univers minunat in care e si iubirea mea cu ochii albaștrii ca oceanul, ființa pe care o desenez mereu imaginandu-mi ca e reala si ca sunt langa ea si ca plutim preuna prin universul plin de lumina tinandu-ne in brațe si sarutandu-ne.
Mai jos sunt versurile melodiei
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you...
It shines for you..
I'm lost in your eyes,
Ocean blue in the skies,
I can't control my feelings for you.
I'm found in your kiss,
Make you smile, cry your tears.
You chase all my fears tonight
It feels divine...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you...
It shines for you..
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you...
It shines for you..
You know that I try,
I get love, I survive,
I can't control my feelings for you..
It feels just divine, flying high, you and I,
I shake all my fears away tonight, it feels alright.
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you...
How beautiful is this world, it shines for you...
It shines for you..